St. George Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, No 553
On the 13th November 2018 Bro Peter Barker of St George Mark Lodge was elevated into St George R. A.M.
Peters’ elevation was a perfect example of teamwork. W. Bro Joe Commerford the Commander was in recovery from time spent in hospital and V. W. Bro Barry Elman, who had offered to Elevate Peter was also in recovery from two operations. 
The Director of Ceremonies, W Bro Wilf Spencer took on the task of the Ceremony assisted by the Brethren a number of which were stand-in Officers on the evening, due to illness and other commitments of the Brethren.
This has proven how valuable a good team is essential. Brother Peter was happy that he had joined a lodge that has an understanding of his difficulties, which require extra thought for communication, as he has hearing difficulties, so he lip reads and uses sign language. With written description however, for perambulations and working tools, the Ceremony proved enjoyable for all.
Peter is a Past Provincial Officer in the Craft, having been as a Master of his Mother Lodge in 2001.
The ceremony was carried out truly sincere manner. During the festive board Peters humour was evident in response to the toast to his health. 

Report and Photos by W Bro Dave Jones, W Bro Jack Parker